May 2021
Not Zero-Sum but Positive-Sum of Jesus
The California-Pacific Conference held a special service for Ordination and Commissioning at Christ UMC of Hawaii on May 16, and there was a protest against Bishop Hagiya’s decision not to reappoint the senior pastors of […]
Inter-generational and Inter-church Partnership
May is the month we celebrate family love but it’s graduation season too. Over the past year, my family welcomed first grandson; and this month, my son finally graduated from law school after taking a […]
What Is Family All About?
It’s the Family Month of May and we are reminded, once again, how the Bible prescribes to us a family life of mutual love and respect. Children are called to obey and honor parents even […]
April 2021
3Ps That Keep Church Heathy: Purpose, Process, Protocol
Jesus said to Thomas, “Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20:27) The term “doubting Thomas” is almost used synonymously with a skeptic. But not all skepticism is equal. Inquiring mind and critical thinking gave rise to […]
My Ministry Mentors
Both my grandfather and father were pastors, and I am a cradle Christian, but it was at the seminary that I came to understand what it really means to believe in Jesus Christ. As a […]
Jesus Knows Who I Am
Who am I? “Who am I? They often tell me I stepped from my cells confinement calmly, cheerfully, firmly, like a Squire from his country house…Who am I? They also tell me I bore the […]