April 2021
Back to Galilee With the Risen Lord
Resurrection faith testifies of the empty grave and victory over death, and follows in the path of our Risen Lord toward Galilee. The good news of Jesus’ empty grave is declared to all: We have […]
March 2021
Closer to the Cross
There were times I spoke rather casually about Jesus’ suffering and death without first fully reflecting on the gravity of his sacrifice. We feel pain even by a tiny splinter stuck in our hands. What […]
Naming Contributors to Asian Hate Crimes
The March 16th Atlanta-area shootings have left us in grief and anger. Among eight people that were killed, six were Asian American women, including four Koreans. This week’s Time Magazine featured Cady Lang’s article “Confronting […]
The Grace of Affliction
Spring is around the corner. I took an hour walk at Jones Beach a few days ago. Having stayed indoors for so long, walking on the sand made me short of breath but being out […]
Racism Is Sin Against Grace
Racism is evil. Racial prejudice is a cruel attitude that denies full humanness in others, and it is a grievous evil when embedded as a normal practice within society and perpetrated by institutions. Racism is […]
February 2021
Opportunity for Holy Transformation
When King Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death, he prayed: “Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your […]