February 2021
Silver Linings in the Midst of a Pandemic
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you,” prays prophet Isaiah (Isa 26:3). Apostle Paul likewise affirms that it is God who makes us stand firm in […]
Building up through Love and Life-Giving Ministry of Jesus
Isaiah 17 contains a prophecy against the strong, proud, and self-reliant who have “forgotten God your Savior…the Rock, your fortress.” (v. 10). It’s the path of self-dismantling into “a heap of ruins” (v. 1) and […]
Quackery and QAnon
A few days ago, a church member told me that he will be getting the covid vaccine soon. He’s not yet 65, but thankfully, being a taxi driver puts him in the essential worker category. […]
January 2021
Our Ways and the Way of Jesus
I heard a few days ago that Rev. Cho Chan-sun went to be with the Lord. He was 104 years old. The last time I saw him was two years ago in Los Angeles. While […]
Courage to See, Faith to Be
The inauguration of the 46th US president took place last Wednesday. I was always compelled to preach or write something on such an occasion. This time, I choose to keep quiet. Perhaps it’s the repeated […]
The Blessing of Becoming ‘WeChurch’
A Service for the Reconsecration of Jubilee Mission Center was held last Friday afternoon, and we were blessed to have NYAC Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton officiate the service. The number of gathered were few, but […]