Pastoral Reflection2020-06-15T20:07:40-04:00

July 2020

In Tough Times, Mother was Tougher

July 26th, 2020|

Growing up in Korea some years after the Korea War, I was so proud of my father who studied in America. I remember how in grade school teachers customarily asked survey questions like, “Anyone has […]

People who make the way

July 19th, 2020|

Rep. John Robert Lewis, civil rights legend and longtime Georgia congressman, passed away last Friday at the age of 80. Reading the news, I thought about my visit to Albany in southwest Georgia some twenty […]

Grace in Dislocation

July 5th, 2020|

I spent this Fourth of July morning looking for one of my hearing aids that had suddenly gone missing. A good two hours of GPS tracking was to no avail. Then my two daughters, who […]

June 2020

Not in Words but in Power

June 28th, 2020|

Our Reopening Task Force is currently working hard to make sure that the upcoming reopening of our worship hall will be safe and well-organized. In-person worship service will resume after we receive the approval and […]

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