Pastoral Reflection2020-06-15T20:07:40-04:00

January 2021

Becoming Real

January 10th, 2021|

This new year, I pray we more readily drink in the living water that Jesus gives. May the living water well up and flow from within us (John 4:14, 7:38), reviving the land by the […]

Raised in God’s Power

January 3rd, 2021|

This new year, FUMC in Flushing’s new slogan is “Church Raised in God’s Power.” While our core value continues to be ‘Christ-centered, worship-centered church,’ the new slogan reflects our need to rebuild in 2021 – […]

December 2020

The Things that Remain

December 27th, 2020|

“On a rainy day…about things long lost in my empty heart; At the harbor late at night…about places that won’t return to my empty heart,” thus cries Choi Baek-ho, in his song “About Romance.” Choi […]

The Self-Emptying Love of God

December 20th, 2020|

Baby Jesus comes to us to save us from our sins. The light of God’s love shines into our darkness and strife, as living hope guiding through despair. The light of God’s grace encircles us, […]

Empty, Yet Overflowing

December 6th, 2020|

While reading Rev. Kwak Roh-soon’s “When the New Dawn Breaks,” one cannot help but wonder if the extra empty spaces have any intentionality behind them. A waste of paper, one might think. Only after looking […]

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